Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Train up a child

Proverbs 22:6 says:
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I am so grateful, so thankful to GOD and my children's Father for all provided in the raising of our three children.
Together, we have raised a talented group or "tribe" (as he would call it) of great adults. The last child becomes legal June 15th! Imagine....
Just yesterday we learned our youngest and yes, he is the baby! purchased his own brand new car! It might be new to him as opposed to a 2010, but it is his responsibility and choice.
I cannot explain the joy we experienced in learning of his achievement.
It brings me back to when I was just turning 16 years old.
I had purchased a new VW beetle for the total amount of $2364.67, cash.
The owner was more than impressed as I filed into his office with coin bag in hand. Wrapped pennies along with Kennedy half dollars contributed to the full balance due. I did finance some of it tho~ PEOPLES bank was my lender.
I owed $60.87 a month for 12 months.
I worked two jobs to pay off that bill.
That year was the longest year financially.
Dreams are never impossible.
I am so happy we taught our children to believe in themselves, to have dreams,
to believe and trust in GOD and most of all to be good at being themselves.
Only if we could have taught them not to drink from the milk carton, oh well....

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