Thursday, June 25, 2009

Words of wisdom passed on to the next generation,
by way of GP. -6/25/09
One of the lessons of Turtle is to slow down.
Sometimes folks say they do not have time to do all the things they want to do.
Time? All you have is time. When you don't have time you're dead.
Turtle, who lives a very long time and who has been on earth longer than any other vertebrate animal, has all the time in the world.
Turtle carries its house on its back, and when it feels attacked it withdraws into its protective shell. This can remind us that we carry within ourselves our own protection.
It is also a reminder of the importance of going within.
We need to learn to withdraw not only when we feel threatened by the outside world, but in order to contemplate, to decide what our next direction will be.
Slow-moving, contemplative Turtle can also be described as grounded.
When we feel as if things are happening too fast, or as if there's too much to do, when we are great at starting projects and not so great at completing them, we can call on the energy of Turtle.
To be grounded doesn't mean to be stuck in one place.
Turtle travels very close to the earth and is intimately connected with the currents of Mother Nature's energy.
Because it moves so slowly it has the time to appreciate all of her creations.
So can we when we take the time that is always there, when we move more slowly along our own paths, we can enjoy the journey.

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