Friday, May 15, 2009


Today's Word is INTEREST!
Yup, I'm jumping off into the center of it all.

The word interest has always intrigued me.
It has such a variety of meanings.
Curiosity; right to a share; fee for the loan of money; money made on a loan, (hehehhe);
To hold one's attention.

Last night, while my support and I were having our Thursday night Chicken Parm/glass of white wine at the watering hole, I was greeted by an old teacher of ours.
(Wait. He isn't old, we have just known him for a very long time).
He immediately asked about our son Malcolm.
He stated that when the innaugaration took place, his first thought was Malcolm!
While cheering on Malc's accomplishments, his grand smile lights up the room.
We reminesce about Kristopher and Kelly while the guests listen closely.
I thought to myself, "Wow, what an interest he has taken in our children".
My heart fluttered like a butterfly on a warm spring day.
Thank you GOD for the folks in my Life who show interest.
For it just might be those very people who remind me of all I have interest in.
Sometimes it takes a good dusting of the shelf to remember the prized possessions that grace the china cabinet.
ooops! I can feel Dad cringing at my abstract ways.
He never quite understood my metaphors.
Thank you for the interests we have, in the things we do, in the places we go.
Thank you for the return.
Thank you that we reciprocate.

I got a beautiful Mother's Day card today (the Post Office is slow, real slow) which said, simply, "Thank you".
However, the tears are still streaming down my face.
You can tell there was such interest put into finding this card!
It is filled with sentiment.
and I, have received it with Love.... thank you!

Today when you find interest in something, do it with grandeur.

Happy Friday.
Have a great weekend!
and thank you....

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