Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Holy smokes! I'm lost for words today".

Good morning/ It's after noon now!,
As usual, this morning I woke up ready to dive into my morning prayer when I realized I had not made provisions last night for today's entry.
I was immediately out of kilter, out of sequence, out of control when GOD whispered gently to my Spirit to remember what I so comfortably wrote about yesterday.
It was then I fell hostage to guilt and realized I would just need a little extra time praying this morning.
With an innocuous, but from the-Garden-snake -like slither, I found my way down the side of my queen sized bed to the floor.
My breathing shallow, my heart sincere.
The "How I wanted GOD to know I hadn't forgotten HE is in control" prayer began.
Immediately, the words to write came to mind.
(Thank you, GOD).

EXPLANATIONS: is what I want to speak about.
It is just of late that I have learned to listen.
Somewhere in my Life's transition I decided to stop talking and hear what the world had to say.
(I guess that is where some of my wisdom was aquired).
But for the last few weeks, I have been at everyone's beckon call.
I have resumed talking.
It seems everywhere I go, I've had to clarify, justify, explain, exhort, expand, extract and in a
most expedient manner.
This has been exhausting!
It takes an undivided mind, a clear view of the situation as well as the subject you are addressing,
(Both the (person) subject and the subject matter!) and a great listening ear.
I am grateful to GOD for being His vessel.
I am not sure I always have the clearest nor concise answer, but I try.
I have been blessed to be able to cover all the bases needed to be covered.
It has truly been an experience when I think about it.
I have heard them and they are responsive to me.
I love the way GOD allows me to learn.
Now if I could just get paid.

The Word for the day is GIVE.

Webster defines it as as follows: give vi.,vt. to contribute; impart; to yield to pressure.

Big blessings to ya'.

1 comment:

  1. He always whispers, doesn't he. You'd think HE'd shout, but he knows that are ears perk up when we can hardly hear something...and only then, do we begin to listen, actively.
