Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where I like to be

Today I woke up wondering if I opened my eyes and blinked them three times if I could be somewhere other than under my down comforter.
I blinked three times and all I got was dizzy.
Even thru the soothing hot shower I still was pondering why I had that thought.
Why would I need to be somewhere else?
Now I was thinking; Why would I want to be any where else?

Here, all the sudden was fine.
Here, if I was to be real, was GREAT!

No where else could I have the things that are taking place in my Life as they are today.
Somewhere else would be totally new and uncharted.
I would have new problems and new folks who I'd have to get to know and love and that takes time...
I wouldn't be able to go to my favorite place without coming back to here, hehe...
I wouldn't do the things that make me happiest here and now.
I would be taking a risk that this new place could offer me good music and great food.
I would leave behind my promotion..mo' money yippee! and I would be taking the easy way out. Out of this Internal Audit.
Going somewhere else would not give me time to check myself here and where I stand now.

I have made several mistakes in my past before.
I have made mistakes in this Journey ~we all have.
But this time the mistake I seem to have made is not clear to me.
So it is imperitive I stay on this ground where I am and find the treasure I am seeking.
It is important to find Peace and Understanding.
It is my place and duty to not let Satan or anyone else rob me of my joy.
It is my job to figure out what needs to be fixed.
All things are possible to those who wait on the Lord.
(That's a combination quote from two great folks who have come into my Journey/Life.)
So I guess I will stay in the place I am.
In my heart, in my Spirit and my soul and just redecorate.
Clean house so to speak.
Get rid of the excess.
Keep the good.
Polish up those stored treasures.
Release those emotions that hurt me, hold me back and keep me from going forward.
Trust God.
Weep if I need to.
Cause I won't let the devil think its cause he has me down.
I haven't forgotten my title...
The Christian Heir.
I have Promises that need to be kept.
And since God is a Faithful God, I trust His decisions.
His decision to answer my prayers.
To lend me His Promises.
My answer my questions, my concerns.
Fix me, Dear God so I can be a great testiment of Your Love.

Have a great day folks and stay where you are...
Just make sure your place is in order.

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