Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Playground

The day is brisk and the sun shines brightly.
Today is a good day for we get to go to THE PARK.
Snack is nourishing and our families are together.
Wrestling, rustling leaves, cool breezes....
There is so much to see and do.
At 5 years old this could be a really big deal, The Park...
We enjoyed the swings and the Slide, the sand box and the fresh air.
In the middle of this big semi- amusement park lie the Merry-go-Round.
Swirling, whirling, round and round we go!
The sensation is tremendous and the thrill of it all leaves my dear Grandson elated.
We journey back and forth, riding the swings to going up the Slide.
Until that very moment when it hits him.
With question in his eyes and innocence in his heart he asks:
Can we go on the Mary-Gets -Around again?????!!
I think I went to high school with her.
The one whose name and number was written on the bathroom wall?
Life on the Playground.

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