Monday, July 27, 2009


I have more than enough to write about today but I believe God has a PLAN for me to just shut up on some certain things.
As a loved one, and friend and co worker (all 3 versions)respectively, said:
In the end everyone will be accountable for their actions.
Take care of you.
So be it.
Or is it AMEN, I should say?

We visited church on Sunday to a sermon we know so very well but seldom practice correctly. The sermon spoke about blaming God for things that if we, indeed were doing what we are suppose to, would not have to blame God for it. Ignoring God and all the wonderful clear cut concise directions He waves in front of our face might be another problem, considering God has an abundance of time Love, protection, affection, desire and direction for us all the time.
So a little follow -the- direction/rules God has for us might be something to think about.

I am so weepy today. I can't understand what this energy is but unfortunately I have not paid attention to what my friend told me about not letting it consume you...
Leave it to God, I say.

We had quite an eventful weekend.
Friday was half day at work leaving me to take care of some personal things.
Malcolm came home on Thursday and we enjoyed his company and direction.

Saturday was cleanup and get -rid- -of- the clutter in both my Life and home and Sunday we all went to church to repent for all that garbage, at least I did.
The sun was beautiful and Ked and I went and ate food til we looked like two pork roasts strolling.
Then we visited our neighbors and had sherbet slurping down the rainbow colors and hoping not to go into Diabetic shock. I love our family. Each one different and adding spice to our Lives.
Malc left on his journey home after church back to the Presidential Suite.
Kris is making beats and working hard at it.
Kudos to Kris as his little brother heard him out there at a party.
Yup, Dad.
The rain was fantastic on the way home from my friends home.
The sky lit up in shades of silver and blue and the rain drenched me from the door to the car!
THUNDER IS LOUD and crackly!
I loved it.
Slept like a baby last night.
Can't wait for more thunderstorms to come.
Maybe that will fix my attitude.
That and Gods Grace.

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