Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Jesus wears paisley.

JESUS wears paisley; so says my support.
I laughed the first time I heard this, but I am sure of it now.
There are swirls and colors and texture in paisley prints.
Unlike a solid black or a faded blue.
It is such a very beautiful combination of color and texture, swirling around and making its way up to the sky, floating gently in to the wind.
Sounds crazy but imagine a piece of paisley material.
It sings to you.
It screams different, unique.
Exactly like Jesus.
He calms us, walks with us, bridges the gap, loves us unconditionally.
Paisley colors bring all the colors together, add that spark needed to accessorize, blend in and work with whatever fabric needed just like Jesus works His way into the fabric of our LIFE.
He is fashion.
Get dressed.

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