Thursday, October 22, 2009

cell phones

I think we should ban cell phones in their entirety!
I have lost mine, again, and I am at a total dysfunction.
Actually I have not lost it, I have LEFT it with my support by accident.
I forgot it when my hands were full and I was leaving the car.
So why does he so calmly tell me to call him when I get close to the house to make sure he is there.
I left my cell phone in your car.
So I can't call you.
and no, I am not gonna sit in the driveway.
and yes, my set of keys is with the cellphone.
and no I won't climb thru the window.
I freaked out today while going to get some lunch.
Boston Marklet. 5 blocks away...
What if my car broke down?
What if I needed to call home?
What time is it?
It took me 12 radio stations and 30 minutes to fine the correct time.
Where is my phone?
What did we do when we had no cell phones?
Call me and let me know, while I relax and de-stress.
Have a great night.

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